Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Thriller/Horror/YA Author, and Wildlife Rehabber

Stopping in today on my blog is Author and Wildlife Rehabber Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, PhD. She's here to share a giveaway to celebrate her new release
Have You Seen Me?, and to tell us about rehabbing. I was excited to hear more about this topic as we watch the Northwoods Law show and see them dropping various creatures off to rehabbers, but we rarely get to see what they do.

Wildlife rehabbing

I am a licensed and certified wildlife rehabber for the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries. I’ve been one for over fifteen years, and I love it. It’s not easy. We lose many animals and spend our nights fighting to keep an injured or orphaned animal alive, but it is gratifying. Being a nurse, I’m used to the blood and squeamish things that turn many people off. My love of animals, a lifelong affair, drove me to pursue getting my wildlife rehabber license. It started years ago when a neighbor brought me an orphaned baby gray squirrel. I named her Widget McFidgett McFee. I fell in love and learned everything I could about feeding baby squirrels formula, keeping them warm, and what to do as they grew, even how to prepare them for the wild. Rehabbers do not get paid, and everything we do, we do out of love for animals. We must apply for our license annually and stay up to date on all the diseases spreading among the wildlife populations in our territory. I have rescued and rehabbed foxes, opossums, raccoons, bobcats, squirrels, rabbits, skunks, deer, otters, and flying squirrels.

With every orphaned baby I raised or injured adult I set back into the wild, I had the time of my life. I can’t count the times I have cried over losing an animal. It rips you apart, and you swear you will never do it again until you see another adorable furry face asking you for help. Rehabbing has made me a better writer by keeping me in touch with my emotions. I don’t have to go far for inspiration to understand the joy of loving something or losing a precious soul you loved. This vocation is not for everyone. It takes a lot of patience and understanding of animals to survive. My nursing background made it easier to assess and treat many animals, and even though a mammal is a mammal, the differences between our furry brethren and us can be as vast as the Grand Canyon. Since my writing career has grown, I’ve scaled back from my rehabbing. Most rehabbers do. The emotional toll becomes too hard after a time. I am fortunate that I have been able to direct my passion for animals into my writing. Will I ever give it up completely? Hell no. Despite every bite, scratch, scar, heartache, tear, smile, and laugh, my years as a rehabber have changed me. I would not be who I am without the love lessons my precious wildlife babies taught me.

Tour-wide giveaway (INT)
- Signed copy of Have You Seen Me

Book details:
Have You Seen Me?
Alexandrea Weis Published by: Vesuvian Books Publication date: August 17th 2021 Genres: Horror, Thriller, Young Adult

“An intriguing and atmospheric tale of murder and mayhem” ~Booklist Lindsey Gillett is missing. And she’s not the first girl at Waverly Prep to vanish without a trace. To help cope with the tragedy, new history teacher Aubrey LaRoux organizes a small student investigation team. But when the members start turning up dead across campus, Aubrey suspects there’s more going on than anyone is willing to admit. The murdered students all had something in common with Lindsey. They shared a secret. And what they uncovered could threaten the future of the historic school. At Waverly Prep, someone wants to keep the past buried—along with anyone who gets in their way. Goodreads: Website: Purchase: Amazon: B&N: iBooks: Kobo: AUTHOR BIO: Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, PhD, is a multi-award-winning author, screenwriter, advanced practice registered nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A member of the Horror Writers Association and International Thriller Writers Association, Weis writes supernatural, horror, mystery, and thrillers. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans where she is a permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries and rescues orphaned and injured animals. Author links: Thank you Alexandrea for stopping by. I am in awe of your many talents!

Monday, March 1, 2021

MK Farrer -- Make Them Pay Anthology


M K Farrer--Make Them Pay

Let the Count down begin!
I just read one of the many short stories included in this anthology.

System Failure – M.K. Farrar – When the system fails, only murder will put it right.

My quick review:
British author M K Farrer kept me turning pages until the end. A great lunch time read. The story unfolds as a man with a badge seeks vengeance for a deadly wrong that will soon be righted. Detective Ryan Chase has a plan. But will that plan land him on the other side of the bars?

Find out for yourself on Monday, March 15. Click the link below to pre-order Make Them Pay--A Thriller Anthology. You don't want to miss this.
Available in KU as well.
Make Them Pay--A Thriller Anthology

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Make Them Pay: A Thriller Anthology

 Excitement is in the air.

I have this awesome thing to share with you all. There is an action thriller anthology that is coming to a kindle near you Monday, March 15, 2021! I am Honored to be included in this great round up of thriller authors. Go click the link below to pre-order Make Them Pay--A Thriller Anthology. You do not want to miss this!

Make Them Pay--A Thriller Anthology

**Available in KU, kindle and it will be in paperback soon.

When criminals cross the line, who will make them pay?

From police to vigilantes to secret government organizations, the answer awaits those who think they are beyond the reach of the law-abiding world. They make their own rules.

For that, we must make them pay!

More than twenty thriller authors bring their ‘A’ game with never-before-seen stories, different takes on justice, and maybe that’s the way we want it to be.

Loathsome Justice – M.A. Comley – The game is up!

The First Hit – Craig Martelle – They say the first is the hardest.

An Inside Job – Ian W. Sainsbury – A Bedlam Boy Story

System Failure – M.K. Farrar – When the system fails, only murder will put it right.

The Ninth Man – Jeff Shelby – A man with a reputation for being able to find anyone joins forces with a woman seeking to avenge her daughter’s death.

Cross Your Heart – G.K. Parks – Who will survive when a private investigator’s good deed places him on a collision course with a Russian gangster?

Mine – Michele PW – No good deed goes unpunished.

Rats – J.R. Pomerantz – Ravi’s rat problem is about to blow up.

The Silent One – Jack Probyn – Contract killing’s hard. Especially when the next name on your list is your father’s.

Super Something – John Hindmarsh – Penny was on a mission of revenge and retribution. Russian agents had similar objectives. She was a super recognizer; one of the Russians was the Poisoner. Penny wanted to win.

Innocence Lost – D.K. Greene – When her son goes missing, a terrified mom uncovers a horrific kidnapping scheme.

A Dance with Death – Drew Avera – How do you stop a killer when he’s one of your own?

The Last Assignment – Douglas Dorow – The last assignment for a Military Working Dog Handler and his four-legged partner is more than just another day in the field.

Getting the Wind – Stephen Couch – A man delivering meals to shut-ins finds himself, and his elderly client, caught in a drug war.

Straight Flight – Arleigh Jacobs – When a girl is kidnapped, Colt has one path: Get her back.

The Package – N Gray – All I had to do was hand over the package. What could go wrong?

Hunting Darkness – A. K. Hughey – Death waits for those who dare to stop the traffickers.

Temptress – Fallon Raynes – When local bars become the hot target for thieves, Detective Reyes is reminded that temptation comes in many forms.

Lane Departure – Tom Fowler – John Tyler thought he stumbled into a robbery. If only it were so simple…

Death and Dollars – Jonathan Shipperley – Coast Guard Special Agents Frank Dalton and Jessica Carter pick up the trail of “El Doctor,” a notorious cartel capo wanted for an attack on a U.S. Embassy, but Dalton wants him for his own reasons.

No Reason – Steve Davison – When a hostage exchange goes wrong, special field operative Louis Cane is forced to take matters into his own hands.

Sasquatch Hunting – Kes McDaniel – Stopping for snacks puts Jake Daely’s life in the hands of the mythical Sasquatch.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

David Miller Saved My Life


David Miller Saved My Life

Seventeen years ago, Dave Miller changed my life forever.

How did he do that you ask? By giving me back my Non Smoker life!

Flash back 24 years ago; One day at work I had a conversation with a co-worker. She told me about how her and her chain smoking husband both quit smoking by using hypnosis. I was intrigued and had asked how it was. She had said it was very relaxing and they never smoked again. I filed that conversation away for the day I would need it. For a day I was ready to quit smoking. She had mentioned that was important.

A few years later, Hubby and I had cleaned, and painted all the rooms in our one story home. After seeing the disgusting yellow nicotine on the ceilings we made a deal with each other. We were only going to smoke outside. That was in the summer. Winter came and I was tired of smoking outside, so I had narrowed myself down to only smoking a few cigarettes in the evenings. By then I was only smoking on my way to and from work and quite frankly, tired of it. It was annoying.

I was tired of smelling like smoke, tired of paying through the nose for a pack of cigarettes--which at that time were $3.00/pk - yep, I said paying through the nose LOL-- tired of worrying if I have my lighter and cigarettes on me when I left the house, yada yada. . . I'm sure anyone reading this that's been/is a smoker knows what I am talking about? Well, quitting is easier said than done. Try asking a habitual coffee drinker to give it up for a day/week, and see if you get punched in the face. Just kidding! Don't do that! Caffeine is actually a drug and you have to ween yourself off of it. Turns out, you don't have to with nicotine. It's just a BAD habit that I allowed myself to get hooked on.

But I digress. I had a medical issue and had to make some changes in my life. One of them was cigarettes. Trying to quit cold turkey was like sticking my finger in an electrical outlet and trying to feel better. I was edgy, and driving everyone up a wall because the one thing I usually did to calm my nerves was smoke. I started smoking again to save my marriage--still married by the way. ;-)

Well, that following spring I saw an ad in the newspaper: "Stop Smoking & Lose Weight with Hypnosis" or something like that. I didn't save the ad. But it jogged my memory of talking with that co-worker that day at work. I wrote down the info in the ad, and talked to Hubby about it that evening. Of course he looked at me like I had two heads. Okay, it was more like three heads. I was pumped, he was like "whatever", and I saved the date.

You didn't have to sign up, just show up, sign in, and pay $50 for the seminar that lasted maybe an hour and a half. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking (If you smoke) that's money I could have used for smokes. Well, that was my point. I'd SAVE money after that day. That co-worker I mentioned had taken all the money her, and her husband would have used to buy smokes, put it away, and paid off a loan, and took one heck of a vacation the following year!

The night of the seminar I gave Hubby my pack of smokes and grabbed seven cigarettes to take with me.Then I thought better of it, and I grabbed three more. After all, it was a 12 minute ride to the seminar, and I was leaving a half hour early. Hubby told me they'd be there when I got back home. Such a critic. I smoked every single one of those cigarettes in 30 minutes. In fact I wasn't the only crazy one in the parking lot chain smoking like a fiend waiting for the seminar to start. There were others there for the weight loss portion too but most of us were smokers.

Talk about an interesting seminar! I was introduced to the simple process, and how if we tap into our subconscious we can rule the world. Well, at least our worlds. I was amazed at how easy and relaxing it was. I felt free for the first time in a long time. If you've never been to a hypnosis session, I suggest taking a pillow with you. It'll be more relaxing if you do. :-) After the seminar we could purchase cassette tapes for hypnosis. It takes 21 days to create a new habit. I know, I'm showing my age here with the mentioning of the cassette tape--for those of you unfamiliar with cassette tapes, they're the ribbon form of cd's/mp3s. I purchased the tape for the non-smoking. It came in handy to remain on track each day.

Hubby didn't go to the class with me. He thought it was hokey, and I needed back up for living with a smoker. I walked out of that seminar a Non-Smoker! And I haven't picked one up since I chain smoked a half a pack of cigs in 30 minutes that night. Oh, and the other half pack of cigarettes were till waiting for me when I got home. Hubby handed them to me with a lit cigarette in his hand, and I didn't take them. I told him to keep them. How's that for self control! And, even though Hubby thought I'd start smoking again, he's proud of me! :-)

So, in summation, I did not QUIT Smoking I just became a non-smoker. Using that term, made it easier to deal with. Dave had mentioned that it was ingrained in us growing up that "quitting" was considered a negative thing. No body likes to be called a Quitter. That was all part of the hypnosis process. It quiets our conscious brain to help us focus on the good things we're trying to accomplish.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Dave Miller, he saved my life that day. I had recently went looking for his CD's because I had friend who wanted to quit smoking and I thought of Dave immediately. Sadly, I found out a few years ago he lost his life while swimming in Lake Erie. Such a tragedy to lose a man who lived to help others reclaim their health. :-(

I had worked through my smoking demons through hypnosis. Watching a few people in my life try to work through their own smoking habits with a prescribed medication, led me to a story that took on a life of it's own. Dangerous Ledges is now available (buy links below). I hope you get a chance to read it. And, if you're still smoking, I hope you find a healthier choice to free yourself from those chains. I can't find a link to Dave's store any more, but maybe you can get in contact with Dave's wife at the link below to see if she has some cd's still available for sale? I also posted his Youtube link too, as the videos might help explain a bit about how it works.

To David's Family,

Hold the memories close, and each other closer.

Hugs & Prayers to you all.


Buy Links: Amazon US: Amazon CA: Amazon UK: Amazon AU: iTunes: Kobo: B&N:

#smoking #smoker #cigarettes #badhabits #badhabitsdiehard #smokingstinks #hypnosis #addictions #dangerousledges #healthychoices



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