Friday, June 30, 2023

I found Edmund Stone Within a Tent Revival. 👀


My name is Edmund Stone and I’m the writer of two short story collections and three novels and the newly released book, Within: A Three Part Horror. I published my first short story in 2017 and my first novel in 2021. I’ve appeared in multiple anthologies and I’m a member of the Horror Writers Association. I’m active on the Facebook page Books of Horror. I consider it my tribe. Go check it out. Follow me on Facebook and all social media provided by the link above.

Edmund Stone's Links



Three unique stories all with a common theme
Within brings together the plight of three women, all broken, but strong. Each story shows a unique situation they are up against and how they cope with the terror they are faced with.
Part One
Within You
A housewife waits for her husband on a stormy night. She gets stuck outside of her house with her baby inside. Someone is lurking in the darkness. She desperately wants to protect her baby from what’s outside, but fails to realize, the horror is Within.
Part Two
Within Me
A young girl discovers she has a secret power. She confides in her mother and finds her family is full of secrets as well, namely, one half is trying to kill the other. Her battle begins when the wrong part of the family finds out about her. She must Hurt them and achieve the ultimate revenge before her time runs out.
Part Three
Within Us
The Devil’s Concubine
A girl is given a machete when she comes of age. Her Daddy teaches her how to wield it in a fight. She finds the blade gives her power, turning her into something vicious when she uses it. She’ll need the help of her blade, as her world is turned upside down by someone, she least expected.


The Tough Questions

●    Where is your favorite place to write? Read? My favorite place to write is in my office by the Ohio River. I get up around four am every day and watch the fog come off the river while drinking my first cup of coffee, then it's off to get a few hours in. I try to write first and deal with all the other issues later. That way I know if the day turns into a shit show, I at least got some words down. Reading is everywhere. The beach, my car, on my daily walk, or before bed. If I had to pick one though, It would be my walk, listening to my audiobook. It’s my time to get away from the office and hide from the world.

●    What did you want to be when you grew up? Originally it was an astronaut, but it changed over time. I wanted to be an artist at one time but didn’t think it would pay the bills. I also wanted to be a writer when I got out of high school and even took some college courses toward the degree, but ended up going a different path for a few years. Now I’m here, realizing my dream.

●    What is one thing you need when you sit down to write? Coffee and silence. My mornings give me both. I can write with noise around, but my morning routine suits me best and I’m much more productive.

●    What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author? Always stay focused on your goals and keep writing above all else. It may seem like nothing is going to happen, but then you finally start to get some attention and end up getting an interview with Fallon Raynes. Also, go to a big convention if you can and talk to other authors who are farther ahead of the game than you. It will change your life and give you a new perspective.

●    Are you a pantser or plotter? One hundred percent Panster. I write with my hair on fire and keep going until I find what I’m looking for. I go in with an idea but it usually morphs into something else by the time it's done. During revisions is when I fine tune the plot and pull out anything that doesn't make sense. That’s the plotting phase for me, then the beta readers find things of course, and maybe more is needed. It’s a process but one I’m getting better at every day. 

From BOH reader Heather L.
●    Chili – beans or no beans? Beans, is there any other way? Sorry, Texas.

●    Who’s your favorite superhero and why? Spiderman. Peter Parker was me growing up. I was a nerd and very awkward. Not shy, just awkward. I was bullied quite a bit and always wished I had superpowers to combat the bullies but instead would just draw them into submission with the comics I created. My imagination got me through some tough times.

●    You need to hide a body - who do you call to help you? My wife, Mikel Stone. She’d nag me the whole time, but when the chips are down, she’s in it for the win.

●    Next project (what are you currently working on)? There are so many. I have two novels I’m revising, one more of a YA horror and the other a dark tale reminiscent of my garage band days. I have one out to publishers at the moment as well.

●    Scary movies - complete darkness or all the lights on? Lights out always. The state of the surroundings always alters the ambiance of a good movie.

●    What is your favorite book/story you wrote? Tent Revival will always hold a special place in my heart as it was my first novel. It took me years to complete it and I’m still getting praise. It’s been on the path of resurgence lately and I’m thrilled.

●    Who is your current favorite author? There are so many good ones and I’m getting into a lot of indie writers now. I’ve known Justin Boote for years and his stuff gets better and better. I was leaning toward Phillip Fracassi but then started reading Andrew Van Wey and fell in love with his writing style. Head Like a Hole has become a favorite of mine.

●    What is your favorite genre? Horror with sci-fi a close second.

●    Favorite horror movie? Hellraiser. It’s still my go-to movie when I want something good and gory. Another I like really well is Incident in a Ghostland. That one is very psychological and messed up.

From BOH reader Derek T.
●    Is there a particular author that inspired you to write horror? Clive Barker originally, but more recently, Justin Boote. We were in a writer’s group together a few years ago and he encouraged me to write some horror stories. I was leaning toward the fantasy side of things at the time, but the stories didn’t ring true. I wrote a few horror lines and it all began to click again.

●    Do you read or write anything that's not horror?   I write dark sci fi and fantasy at times but it always has horror elements. It’s hard for me to do it any other way. I read literary works sometimes. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens and The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage, are some I can think of recently and Cormac McCarthy’s works although some would consider them horror. I read The Peripheral by William Gibson. Some great sci-fi there.

●    How do you feel about pants? I prefer not to wear them, but my wife tells me I should when I’m in public.

●    What's your favorite taco? Carne asada. We have a local taco truck that makes the best ones. So good!
●    Would you go to space? In a second. Although I doubt I’ll have the money any time soon.
●    Do you eat supper or dinner? Supper. I’m from Eastern Kentucky.

●    Were you a good student? I was a terrible student. I have ADHD and sitting in a classroom for any period of time was almost unbearable to me.

From BOH reader Shannon E.
●    What’s something you want to learn/ get better at? The marketing side of things. I want to be the best writer I can be but if you don’t have a presence no one will see your work and most importantly, no one will read it. I have a lot to offer and don’t want to get lost in the shuffle.

●    Why did you decide you wanted to be an author? I’ve always had the secret desire to be a writer, but taking the step to be a published author was a tough one. I had so many fears that no one would like what I wrote. After my first publication some of that went away, but it always nags at me and, I feel, makes me a better writer. I’m driven to be the best I can at what I do and I’m enjoying every minute.

●    Is there anything you don't eat? Very little. When I was growing up, my dad had a competition to see if he could find something I wouldn't eat; sardines, head cheese, varieties of pickled whatever. He failed every time. The only thing I turned my nose up to was pickled pig's feet. I did take a bite but no more.

●    If you could have 1 hour to sit down with anyone and talk? Who would it be and what would you talk about? I suppose I could think of quite a few writers but honestly, the one person I would want to talk to most is my grandmother, Chloe Duzan. She was a master storyteller in the oral tradition and had lots of stories and songs about Appalachia. She encouraged me to start writing when I was a teen and she talked about wanting to be a published author. I’m sure we’d have a lot to talk about now.

●    What makes you unique? My connection with the small town vibe and the river running by my front yard. The Ohio River is a large body of water with a bloody past. It has stories to tell and I’ve added a few to my books. There will be more.

●    Who Are the Special People in Your Life? Family and those connections run deep where I’m from and no matter what direction we take, we’re always there to support each other. My wife, Mikel Stone is my rock though. She’s such a big supporter of what I’m trying to accomplish and is up for any adventure. My dad and mom, my sisters and cousins, my kids and grandkids, they all prop me up and support my writing, even if some are too afraid to read it.

●    What’s Something You’re Proud of? My family first and foremost, but my first novel ranks very high. To a writer, that is a monumental feat. When I first started this journey, I had the goal in mind but wasn’t sure how to go about accomplishing it. Now, I have three under my belt, another completed one waiting for publication, and two more under revision.

●    If your life were a movie who would play you? Jason Bateman. All of his characters are more in line with the real me. A dad and husband trying to make life work for all those around me. My writing is my me time.

●    What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now? Go out and get bitten then join the masses, much less work. What do zombies have to worry about?

●    What were you like as a child? Very adventurous in a Stranger Things kind of way or maybe Losers Club. I had a group of friends about as nerdy as I was and we would read comics and pretend to be superheroes. We also played D&D. Those were some good times.

Thank you Edmund for stopping in and sharing on my blog! 

You can find him anywhere here: Edmund Stone's Links

Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

All you need to know about Profiting and Murder. 👀

Jamie Rutland Gillespie was born and raised in a tiny, country town in the lowcountry of South Carolina. At the age of 18, she moved to a slightly larger town in the same state and still lives there. She spent much of her youth visiting the beaches of the lowcountry and taking trips to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. The mountains were always her "happy place" and she still visits every chance she gets.

She is the author of the Bobwhite Mountain Cozy Mystery series. The series is set in the mountains of Tennessee and is a clean, cozy mystery with a little murder and some humor.

Jamie has always loved to read; she got her library card at the small library of her hometown at the young age of 6. She has a vivid imagination and has always made up stories of places, people and situations that only exist in her head.

She currently lives in the midlands of South Carolina with her husband, daughter and two chihuahua furbabies. She loves college football and has been a South Carolina Gamecock fan since birth. She also loves MLB and has been a Braves fan since she was a little girl, watching the games and going to games with her Dad. She is still an avid reader and enjoys writing, crossword puzzles, baking and spending time with her family.

**Book 1 of the series, INHERITING MURDER, was a Cozy Mystery Book of the Year Finalist in the CMT awards, as well as second place in CoverWars.

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Welcome back to Bobwhite Mountain. Hold on tight for the ride of your life with surprises, laughter and murder in this fifth book of the series.

The townsfolk of Bobwhite Mountain, TN are eagerly awaiting the marriage of two of their own. Lisa Wilcox and Jarred Atkins both have deep seated roots in the small town. They were engaged last year and are planning their wedding despite the horrific car accident that caused Jarred to be confined to a wheelchair.

Plans are underway for the big event when a world famous magazine makes an appearance in town to write an article about Annie’s bakery, Mountains of Sugar. Excitement abounds at the bakery as all of Bobwhite Mountain wants to be featured in the article.

Life in the quaint, small mountain town is moving at its slow, contented pace until Sheriff Wyatt Collins gets a call that a young woman is missing. She worked as a housemaid for one of the mansions up on the mountain and she can’t be located. The discovery of her body rocks the town. Will the culprit be found and arrested before someone else is killed and what surprises are in store for some of the residents of this town?

Join Landry, Adam, Wyatt, Ms. Millie and the others as they maneuver through everything happening in their lives while trying to find out who murdered the young woman.

Where is your favorite place to write?  I actually spend most of my time writing in my bedroom. I have a desk in there and I love to write late at night after everyone else has gone to sleep. Once my husband is asleep, nothing much bothers him, lol!

Read: In my recliner with a blanket, hot tea and my two fur babies curled up with me. They are small (chihuahuas) and love to snuggle.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be an attorney. Then, as I got older I thought about being a journalist. Neither of those came to fruition, although I did work at a newspaper for 10 years. I loved it and I think I still have "ink in my blood".  Due to needing to make more money and not work night shift anymore, I left the newspaper and became a Medical Transcriptionist. THAT job has benefitted me more than any other. I can type really fast.

What is one thing you need when you sit down to write?  My glasses...can't see at all without those. (I also have to have tea or lemon water to drink.) 

What's one tip you would like to share with an aspiring Author?  WRITE THE BOOK! Once you have your story written THEN you can worry about adding details, editing, cleaning up the manuscript and any technical things related to getting it published. Just focus on writing the story...all the other stuff will fall into place.

Pantser or Plotter?  I'm an anomaly, lol. I do outline my books, research specific things I want to include and I always already know who my victim and murderer will be. (I write murder mysteries.) BUT, when it comes to the details, I'm a true pantser. I sit down and the story comes to me as I write. Sometimes, the things on my outline will even change. I also edit as I go, so when the story is done it's a pretty clean manuscript before it even goes to BETA readers or my Editor. 

Thank you Jamie for stopping in and sharing about you and your new release! 💓 

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Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.


Friday, June 23, 2023

Linda Bloodworth has A Raven's Touch


Linda Bloodworth is a writer from Toronto who often has to battle two cats and a dog to find a comfortable writing position. Author of, A Raven's Touch (2015) and A Raven's Revenge (2019), Linda has self-published on Amazon and various retail platforms. Writing since she could pick up a pen, Linda enjoys scary tales of the strange and unusual as well as binge-watching Sailor Moon ad nauseam.

A Raven's Touch   A Raven's Revenge   Website

Linda runs a few groups in Facebook that are excellent to join:

Linda's Bloodletters   Ladies of Horror   Bookworm Reviews   Horror Beta Arc Readers

Keep Calm and Love Books 


The Tough Questions

●    Where is your favorite place to write? Read?
Honestly, I love to write on my bed with a laptop while on my stomach. I've written this way for years!  When it comes to reading, I love to be snug as a bug in a comforter or blanket curled up on the couch.

●    What did you want to be when you grew up?
I've always wanted to be a writer. I suppose I succeeded!

●    What is one thing you need when you sit down to write?
Quiet. I really appreciate silence that allows me to talk to myself and let the story come through.

●    What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author?
Read as much as you can to understand how to develop a voice.

●    Are you a pantser or plotter?
Pantser all the way!

From BOH reader Heather L.
●    Chili – beans or no beans?
Beans! Hands down. Can it really be chili without beans?

●    Who’s your favorite superhero and why?
Sailor Moon! She embodies all the things I love: friendship, loyalty, courage, convictions, and laughter.

●    DC or Marvel and why is it Marvel?
Marvel, the characters seem exciting and relatable.

●    You need to hide a body - who do you call to help you?
My husband. He's down for everything. I'm kidding, there's no way I'd be in that situation. I'm way too boring.

●    Favorite song to belt out in the shower?
Paperback Writer by the Beatles. 😉

●    What animal would you be and why?
Definitely a male lion. That mane! Growing up, I had a blond huge mess of curls, and it reminded me of a lion. I love their power, I love their confidence, I love how they can command a room with a look. Just gorgeous.

●    If you were stranded on a deserted island with all your human needs taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?
My Bible and my computer. I have to be able to practice my faith and be able to write.

●    Next project (what are you currently working on)?
It's been a few years in the making, but I'm working on my third book in my Raven Wing series. It's called A Raven's Resurrection! It's going to be epic, over 200 pages, and that's the hard part. I need to wrap up the story and say goodbye to my lovely characters.

Ps. I'm also writing a short story collection where some characters cross over for some fun hijinks.

●    Scary movies - complete darkness or all the lights on?
I like the lights dimmed half way.

●    Cats or dogs?
Why not both? I have two cats and a dog.

●    Who would you stalk?
Jensen Ackles. Have you seen this man?

●    What inspired you to start writing?
To be honest, there wasn't an inspiration, it was something I just did. I was surprised when I went to school and found out other kids didn't write stories.

●    How old were you when you wrote your first story?
Six year old. My school had a program where the class physically published the story with as a cardboard laminated book. I still have it and I love it!

●    What is your favorite book/story you wrote?
So far, I love my second book, A Raven's Revenge. It's full of emotions! There's love, anger, heart wrenching scenes, it's a roller coaster of action.

●    Who is your current favorite author?
It's always been Philip K Dick. The man's writing is out there!

●    What is your favorite genre?
Dark paranormal horror. Hands down.

●    Favorite horror movie?
Does Donnie Darko count?

●    Favorite book of all time?
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I absolutely love Aslan.

●    Cake - vanilla or chocolate?
Neither - love lemon cake!

●    Pizza - pineapple or definitely never on a pizza?
Absolutely pineapple on pizza. It was invented in Canada, so it's a staple for me.


From BOH reader Derek T.
●    Skittles or Starburst?
Starburst for sure.

●    Do you read or write anything that's not horror?
Periodically, I'll read YA, apocalyptic stories, and thrillers.

●    Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island, please discuss.
I'm not American, so I wouldn't know where to begin.

●    How do you feel about pants?
Hate 'em! Dresses if I have to wear clothes just so I don't have to wear pants.

●    Dogs, cats or ferrets?
Dogs and cats. Ferrets are like this sneaky fur baby that's too wild for me.

●    Mountains or beach?
Mountains for sure! Away from people and in a log cabin.

●    Favorite ice cream?
Tie between mint chocolate chip and dark cherry.

●    Were you a good student?
Absolutely. A+ student who took Latin.

●    Who was your childhood crush?
Michael J. Fox. What a hottie.

●    Your favorite thing on French fries?
Poutine!! Look it up, it's delicious.


From BOH reader Shannon E.
●    Why did you decide you wanted to be an author?
I didn't decide, the writing life chose me. 😉

●    Is there anything you don't eat?
I'm vegan, so that list is pretty long. I'm also deadly allergic to kiwi of all things.

●    What’s Something That Bugs You?
Whne people don't use the Oxford Comma. Honestly. Slow talkers. Slow walkers. Slow drivers.

●    What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?
Fallingbrook Road in Scarborough, Ontario. I used to drive along this road to get to the Beach in Toronto and once I was on it, I knew I was so close to magic. I named the town my Raven Wing series takes place after it. That road went past the RH Harris Water Treatment plant. I spent hours there as a teenager. Google map it. It's beautiful.

●    What’s Something You’re Proud of?
My books. I first wrote A Raven's Touch between the ages of 14 - 18, and I dedicated the book to my teenage self. We finally did it!

●    If your life were a movie who would play you?
Kate Winslet. I'm told I look like her and Drew Barrymore.

●    If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
My boss. I'd give me a raise so fast.

●    If you could have a superpower what would it be?
Just one? I'd love to be Wolverine because of his slow aging and healing properties. Plus, those claws. Too cool.

●    What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now?
Head to Costco!

●    What were you like as a child?
Annoying. I wouldn't shut up. I just had a lot on my mind.

Thank you Linda for stopping in and sharing with us. ❤

Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Chris Besonen has us by The Seams.

 Christopher Besonen #BesonenHorror

I wrote 8 released books (3 novellas, 4 short collections, 1 novella/short collection) and 1 unreleased novella, which I primarily wrote while being legally blind and squinting into my phone for hours/days/months. It was difficult, but I endured through the many aches.
I had never heard of any Horror authors outside of King, Barker, Poe, Lovecraft, Crichton, Harris, Peretti prior to writing my own material so I thought I was putting my stuff up against the greats only. The “Books Of Horror" group made me realize that there was an ocean of other writers out there, so now my TBR has grown massively and I am buried, so it really opened me up to a new world! I quickly realized how tough it is to be seen, so I devote most of my time now to helping promote my peers. I am not sure I help much, but I try…

Uncomfortably Dark   Linktree   Amazon    Godless   Barnes & Noble

The Tough Questions

•    Where is your favorite place to write? Read?
My couch. I have a “spot”, and I do everything from there. Haha!

•    What did you want to be when you grew up?
A Musician. I love music and am extremely passionate about music, above Horror even. I’m just not very talented at music, but like with my writing, I do what I can within my scope of skills. I would attribute my writing abilities primarily to lyric writing over the years and I think my prose reflects that.

•    What is one thing you need when you sit down to write?
The proper mindset. If I am not in the mood to write, it does not flow and shows through. Zoinks!

•    What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author?
Just write it. You can go back and fill in the blanks, you do not need the whole story up front. Once you began, you’ll find it starts to flow naturally. Get your main ideas down and make it work, you got this!

•    Are you a pantser or plotter?
I'll admit I had to google this, so Pantser. Although for my first novella, “Troubling Stirrings In Sphere Court” and my first short collection’s story, “Flickerings”, I did draw a few rough maps out so that I didn’t mix things up. I also have a complete “cast list” of hand written names and such of characters/places that appear throughout all of my books.

From BOH reader Heather L.
•    Chili – beans or no beans?
Both, I could eat chili dogs for breakfast, and have!
•    Who’s your favorite superhero and why?
Spiderman. Always has been due to his humor, I think. Fun fact, I am a major arachnophobe though!
•    DC or Marvel and why is it Marvel?
Marvel, because of Spiderman! Also fond of Daredevil since he is dealing with eye issues, I can relate.
•    You need to hide a body - who do you call to help you?
Nobody, that’s how you get caught. ;)
•    Favorite song to belt out in the shower?
Depends on the mood, but I love performing in the shower! Usually some Metal!! \../ sometimes Paramore though.
•    What animal would you be and why?
Likely a Dinosaur, maybe a Rhino.
•    If you were stranded on a deserted island with all your human needs taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?
Unlimited weed and a pipe/lighter, some way to listen to music.
•    Next project (what are you currently working on)?
Three collaborations, a future collaboration in the works, plus an exciting thing for the community that involves some collaborations that I can’t talk too much about yet. So shhh!
•    Scary movies - complete darkness or all the lights on?
Lights off!
•    Cats or dogs?  Dogs.
•    Who would you stalk?
The same people I’m already stalking…
•    What inspired you to start writing?
Stephen King’s “Revival” and the urge from my wife.
•    How old were you when you wrote your first story?
Story, maybe 21, but never did much with those. I have been writing most of my life though, my English classes/teachers always enjoyed my imagination. I have always written song lyrics too, many unreleased or unused and lost now.
•    What is your favorite book/story you wrote?
Short story “Origin Of Bats” found in “Parables IV”.
•    Who is your current favorite author?
Candace Nola, she is arguably one of the hardest workers in the industry, plus a great writer, nothing but admiration here.
•    What is your favorite genre? Um, Horror… lol
•    Favorite horror movie?
Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead”
•    Favorite book of all time?
Jurassic Park. The first book to scare me, plus it was my introduction to gore in Literature.
•    Cake - vanilla or chocolate? Both, I am a sugar junkie and really need help!!!
•    Pizza - pineapple or definitely never on a pizza? On.
•    Favorite Band?
Talk about answering the impossible. I’m going with the band I listen to the most, As I Lay Dying. Lyrically and musically, they’re really just my go to in any situation or storm of life. But the first CD I ever bought was at like 9 and it was “Liberate” by Zao, the same band that is responsible for me finding AILD, so I MUST mention them as well, they’re still around too.

From BOH reader Derek T.
•    Is there a particular author that inspired you to write horror?
Stephen King’s “Revival”, though my main influences are Clive Barker and Rod Serling. King just always ignited that spark.
•    Are there any things required when you write?, i.e., listening to certain music? an adult beverage? complete silence? stuff like that.
THC. My mind would be a lot less focused without it when writing, it also assists my patience. People think that it enhances the strangeness of my imagination, but my weird tales are just my mind. I also need to be in the mood for writing for it not to feel forced.
•    Skittles or Starburst?
Skittles. Tough call though. I prefer the texture of Skittles more though.
•    Do you read or write anything that's not horror?
Not yet. Lots of lyrics and stuff that normally never gets used.
•    Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island, please discuss.
Uh, cover up. What’s truly there?! Area 52… #StormRhodeIsland
•    How do you feel about pants?
No to jeans, yes to dickies, hell yes to shorts.
•    Dogs, cats or ferrets?  dogs
•    Mountains or beach?
Beach, if I must leave my house.
•    Does pineapple belong on pizza?
It does. Pineapple rights matter.
•    What's your favorite taco?
All, gimme!!
•    Would you go to space?
Not physically.
•    Do you eat supper or dinner?
•    Favorite ice cream?
Orange sherbet
•    Were you a good student?
Eh, I graduated… I had moments of being dumb, of course…
•    Who was your childhood crush?
I wasn’t very cultured, probably Jessica Biel.
•    Your favorite thing on French fries?
Fry sauce or ketchup, but gotta have salt!

From BOH reader Shannon E.
•    What’s something you want to learn/ get better at?
Playing music, but I never had the patience to truly learn. I do what I can, same with my writing.
•    Why did you decide you wanted to be an author?
The ending of “Revival” by Stephen King left me shook and questioning everything I believe about this life and the one after. I thought about IF that book were the reality, what would I want left behind from me after death… my 9 books that make up my Puzzle Series is the answer. Those books are what I want my life to mean. If you read those, you get a good idea of who I am and what I stand for, also what I fear.
•    Is there anything you don't eat?
Sure. Plenty of stuff I haven’t tried too.
•    If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
For greed and suffering to end, for insects to not exist nor heat, unlimited THC.
•    If you could have 1 hour to sit down with anyone and talk who would it be and what would you talk about?
My ARC team, The Commabusters/Pogo Fam. They are the ones who gave me a moment of their lives when my name was never heard before, I’d just be happy to give them moments of my life in return. What would we talk about? Well, pogo sticks and commas, of course!
•    What makes you unique?
My books, go read them and see a glimpse of my thoughts. I promise you that they’re unlike anything else out there. My reviews back up this claim, I’m just echoing.
•    What's something about you that no one else knows?
Haha, sly try. Nobody can ever know...
•    What’s Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At?
Being a musician, and a better family man.
•    Know Any Good Jokes?
Yes, but it is a visual one that I cannot do over text, unfortunately.
•    What’s Something That Bugs You?
Bugs. Insects. Creepy crawlies. Also, and primarily, abusers, especially of children or animals.
•    What’s the Most Embarrassing Thing You Can Remember That’s Happened to You?
I remember I once fried my hair with a hair dryer in middle school and was too embarrassed to sharpen my pencil due to the wild look I was sporting. I haven’t had hair in over a decade and do not wish to go back!
•    What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?
My house. I’m a hermit. I’m most comfortable in my habitat.
•    Who Are the Special People in Your Life?
My family in house and out, my friends/fans, the people that are telling me I am great and should keep going. These are my pillars of inspiration.
•    What’s Something You’re Proud of?
•    If your life were a movie who would play you?
Hopefully somebody with some likeness, some of these biopics are terribly casted.
•    If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
My oldest daughter, I don’t understand her in ways that I wish I could. I just really want to be the best dad I can to my kids and I worry consistently that I am not.
•    If you could have a superpower what would it be?
To know everyone’s darkest secrets.
•    What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now?
Sit back and wait for the battles. Weapon in one hand, blunt in the other.
•    What were you like as a child?
Weird. A lot hasn’t changed… haha!

Thanks to Fallon Raynes for having me on the blog, I really appreciate it. 🙂 CB.

Thank You, Chris for stopping in! 🙂 

Be sure to check Chris out at any of these locations.  

Uncomfortably Dark   Linktree   Amazon    Godless   Barnes & Noble

Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.

Friday, June 16, 2023




I cannot contain my excitement! 



Never mind you probably all saw their posts. 😂


Fallon: Not much left to ask except... How do you feel now that you can share this with the world?

🔍 Mystery Author = JUSTIN BOOTE: Relief is definitely the key word! It was a long process, starting in January and finishing in June! Also having to pretend I wasn't involved, keeping quiet (I may have let slip to a couple of people) when I wanted to tell everyone our awesome adventure was tough! Still, all done now. Thanks to Fallon for running the blog, to Heather for editing and of course my new writing partner! I'm sure it won't be the first and last time!!

👼 Angel Van Atta: Relieved! So relieved. And I'm sure it's not that surprising now that it's out there, haha. We literally talk all the time on social media. 😅 I'm especially happy because I've felt a little bad about the amount of guessing my buddy Derek has been doing. Especially since Justin was his guess to begin with. And I just would like to say how grateful I am to Fallon for helping us out with all of this and letting us take over her blog, and to Heather for editing these books for us. You ladies are amazing and we honestly couldn't have done this without you. And thank you so much to everyone who played along. It really was a lot of fun and we appreciate each and every one of you. We really do. 🥰❤️😊

❤ Fallon: Well I am shocked! Naw, I'm not, but I had an amazing time editing Justin's posts so it was "less" Justin. 😂 And of course trying my best to keep everyone guessing. This was SO MUCH FUN!! I love teasing people. You made my month! Thank you both for asking me to help you with this. The Scavenger Hunt had me by the throat and admittedly I gave up, and I love polls so I was bummed I couldn't get in on it. I was also surprised no one added any names to the poll. And finally... I am SO happy this is revealed because now you both can enjoy the pre-order ride! 😌

If you recall from an earlier blog post Angel filled us in with why there were two books: "Not only did we each take turns writing the core of the book, but we're now each taking a copy of that core and adding our own personal entries to it."

Do you feel disoriented with all the clues and questions and incorrect authors names on the poll? Welcome to the feel of this story "The End of Things As She/He Knew Them" 

Justin's version: The End of Things As He Knew Them. 

A post-apocalyptic epistolary novel. When unforeseen circumstances sees Jeremy in England with his mother-in-law while his wife, Abbie, is forced to remain back in the US with their kids, he tries to make the best of it until suddenly things start going wrong. People acting aggressive towards themselves and others, there is talk of an unknown mutation of Covid, strange lights in the sky, the government denying everything...

And to make matters worse, Jeremy's mother-in-law, already dying from cancer, starts acting weird, Abbie recalls long-buried memories of a cult-like following her mother was involved in. Soon, Jeremy is not only trying to avoid falling victim to whatever is causing the chaos, he has to watch his mother and somehow try and find a desperate way back home to his wife and kids. The odds are stacked against him, but Jeremy will stop at nothing to get back to his family. Unless his mother-in-law has other plans...


Angel's version:  The End Of Things As She Knew Them

Abigail is a hard working business woman who is enjoying her staycation while her husband is away on what was supposed to be their second honeymoon. That's when the world decides to fall apart and her past comes back to haunt her in ways that she never could have expected. Will Abbie be able to save her adult children from a fate worse than anything she could have imagined, or will they all succumb to an ancient magic that may end up just being in her head?


Thank you again Justin Boote and Angel Van Atta!! I had a blast!! ❤

Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Post #5 SSBCE - Last one before Reveal Day! 😱 😱 😱


 If you are just joining us go find the other clues in the prior posts this month for the Super Secret Book Collab Extravaganza. 

Fallon: Okay, now let’s give our readers something juicy to gnaw on. A little cup of tea, if you will. How was your partner to work with, really? Did you come out of this wanting to move in and do each other’s nails every night before putting your hair up in curlers and having a playful pillow fight or are either of you secretly trying to control the urge to push the other one off a high cliff near the sea?

🔍 Mystery Author: Very simple. Towards the end I was ready to speak to my lawyer and get a restraining order. There is a reason I do not do collabs and this is why. The stress, the demands...Ha-ha, but seriously, I loved it! Of all the books I’ve written this had to have been the easiest and most fun. I swore I would never use my phone to write a story but I was so excited when the email dinged on my phone that I couldn’t stop myself from responding as soon as it arrived. So this collaboration will go down in history as the first story I ever wrote from my phone.

👼 Angel: It was honestly the best time ever! My partner was and is honestly incredible. And I gotta say, I learned a lot. They're more established than I am and have much more experience in the world of indie writing and I just am super honored that they agreed to work with me. We even shared cake on their birthday, well, through video chat, but it was all the fun! If I had to knit pick about one thing it would definitely be that they are so much cooler than me, it's just not fair. 🤷‍♀️

Fallon: I don’t know Angel, you’re both pretty cool humans!! But, I’m glad things didn’t come to blows and you both finished this without dismembering each other! 😂 After all is said and done for this collaboration, is there anything you learned personally about yourself or the other that you didn’t realize before?

🔍 Mystery Author: That beneath the facade of this sweet lady is a ruthless, uncompromising person. Constantly calling me to see if I’d finished my chapter yet! Ha-ha, that was joke. I learned that writing email stories is some serious fun and not knowing what she was going to write made it even more so. It definitely kept me on my toes.

👼 Angel: Time zones are really hard for my brain to keep track of. Like REALLY really hard. But, honestly, what isn't???

 Fallon: I will say that after reading about Peaches in The Child Angel’s mind intrigues me. She is not ruthless and I was on board with helping with this joyride and fun release extravaganza, and I was totally not forced into it in any way… 😬 🤣 (kidding!) But I will agree with Angel, having to keep track of time zones with my new job is no fun. Especially after learning this year that Arizona does not “Spring Forward” but I digress. Without giving it away; when you completed the ending of the story did it surprise you, or did you rewrite it if it was too much? How did you feel when it was finished?

🔍 Mystery Author: I had an idea in my head for how I wanted it to end, but it all depended on how Angel finished her last chapter. As it turned out, it was perfect! And pretty creepy, even if I do say so myself.

👼 Angel: I was absolutely surprised! Their last entry before mine completely changed everything that I was thinking, but in all the best ways possible! 

Fallon: This is awesome! I’ve been saying it all along but I CANNOT WAIT for the release, and the REVEAL of you Mystery Author, and pre-order links this week! I just wish I didn’t have to wait until the end of the week! 😭 Thank you does not convey how grateful I am to have been a part of this!! Thank you BOTH for having me along to share this amazing ride! TUNE IN Friday for the Reveal! Head to the GROUP to cast your votes by Thursday at 5pm EST. Scavenger Hunt (image below is the clue) is still on, so hit that too!

Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Post #4 of the SSBCE - We're getting deeper...

If you are just tuning in please scroll back a few blog posts to catch up because we don't want you to be lost. Although, that does add to the mystery of it all. 🤔😁

 Fallon: You mentioned last time “...the impending apocalypse”, is that the theme of this story?

🔍 Mystery Author: I wanted something that was similar to covid but worse. The sense of not knowing what was going on, it could be anything and everything. With Covid at first dozens of rumors were flying around and I wanted a similar feel for this. Things going on and no one has any answers. Things take a turn later on in the book, but overall yes, a sense of impending doom with everyone at risk.

👼 Angel: I feel like that's just the theme of the world right now. The whole world! Buuuuut, yes. It's also the theme of the story! 😁🤣😅 It kind of shows how fast things can go downhill. Which is honestly terrifying.

Fallon: Brrr… I just had a chill run up my spine. 😬 Are you able to tell us where this story takes place, or is it all in the characters' heads?

🔍 Mystery Author: In two completely different areas, for reasons to be explained later, hence the book is written as emails!

👼 Angel: Well, the story takes place in two separate locales. We're both separated from each other and communicated through email, which I honestly love!

Fallon: Darn! I was hoping I might get you to drop more in here. 😁 If you could choose any actor/actress to portray your character, who would you pick, and why?

🔍 Mystery Author: You know I’m not sure. Maybe someone who isn’t a hero by any means but because of a series of events is forced to become one. One who will do anything to save his family, no matter at what cost.

👼 Angel: Melanie Lynski, Kathryn Hahn or Kat Dennings would all make incredible Abigails and OMG would that be amazing! I would watch the (expletive) out of that!

Fallon: Well MA, you immediately brought to my mind Bruce Willis’s character John McClane in Die Hard for some reason. And Angel I love those ladies! Anyone of them would be awesome!

Tune in Monday for more! We're getting close and if you haven't checked out the Scavenger Hunt you still have time to dig into it (image below is your first clue). And don't forget the POLL going on--ends June 14, 2023. 😀 Commenting enters you in this month's giveaway or you can use the FORM.





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