Sunday, April 30, 2023

John Durgin is here to take you Inside The Devil's Nest


John published his first short story in the fall of 2021 with DarkLit Press. After that, he wrote The Cursed Among Us in the fall/winter of 2021 and self-published it in June of 2022. It made the preliminary ballot for Achievement in First Novel category for the Bram Stoker Awards but fell short of making the final ballot. His sophomore novel, Inside The Devil’s Nest, released in January of 2023 through D&T Publishing. John also co-owns Livid Comics, publishing and writing horror comics. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two kids, along with their boxer pup Izzy.

Inside the Devil's Nest

Real estate agent Anthony Graham has his family on the run after witnessing a murder at the hands of the powerful Costello crime family.

They’re forced to hide at one of Anthony’s properties: a deserted campground with a sinister past.

No one is safe from the men that hunt them or the terrors that await them inside The Devil’s Nest.

Advanced Praise for Inside The Devil's Nest:

"John Durgin is the sort of storyteller that puts the hook in from the first word and refuses to let go until the last. His second novel, INSIDE THE DEVIL'S NEST, has sharp teeth that sink in deep and bite down hard. It cracks open the stubborn shell of the most jaded horror reader, exposing your greatest fears and playing relentlessly with the tender nerves within. An incredible genre masterwork by an equally incredible author!"
-Ronald Kelly, Author of Fear, The Essential Sick Stuff, and Southern-Fried & Horrified

“Every now and then a book comes along that doesn’t pull its punches. John Durgin’s, INSIDE THE DEVIL’S NEST, is one of those rare treats. It’s a rip-roaring ride full of fury and fear and doesn’t stop to let you catch your breath. Part gritty mob drama, part supernatural horror, it’s as much Ozark as it is The Shining, yet something wholly its own. Durgin has outdone himself with this one.”
-Nick Roberts, award-winning author of The Exorcist’s House and Anathema.

John Durgin- Author | Pembroke NH | Facebook    Amazon Store   GoodReads


The Tough Questions

•    Where is your favorite place to write? Read? _
My favorite place to write and read is the same spot, which would be the hammock on my porch. I don’t get to use it during the cold months, but nothing beats that. 

•    What did you want to be when you grew up?
Honestly? I wanted to be a horror author. Ever since middle school. The only other fantasy I had was being an actor. I learned quickly I didn’t have the chops for acting.

•    What is one thing you need when you sit down to write?
Some horror movie soundtracks. They really help set the mood.

•    What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author? Finish the first draft. Don’t worry about how many words or pages you write in a day, just take it one day at a time. Typing the words “The End” can be the best feeling in the world, and you can’t edit what you don’t type. Second and third drafts are for fixing stuff. Get the story on paper.

 •    Are you a pantser or plotter? Very high-level plotter for overall concept and climax, but I am a pantser to get myself to that final act. But honestly, my brain is constantly thinking of the next chapter, so even though I don’t write it down, I kind of outline it in my head.

From BOH reader Heather L.
•    Chili – beans or no beans?
No beans.

•    Who’s your favorite superhero and why? Spider-Man. I always have enjoyed the different identities between Peter Parker and Spider-Man. The high school dynamic also adds to the character for me. 

 •    DC or Marvel and why is it Marvel? Marvel. I really don’t like anything about DC besides Batman.

•    Next project (what are you currently working on)?
My third novel, titled KOSA. I pitched it to the publisher as Rapunzel meets Room with a sprinkle of Drag Me To Hell.

•    Cats or dogs? Dogs

•    What inspired you to start writing?
R.L. Stine and Stephen King as far as writers, but the pandemic is what inspired me to finally give it all a shot!
•    How old were you when you wrote your first story?

•    What is your favorite book/story you wrote? I have to go with The Cursed Among Us because it’s my baby and so personal to me as the characters are based on me and my friends, but I’m super proud of the improvement in my writing on Inside The Devil’s Nest.

•    Who is your current favorite author? Ronald Malfi
•    What is your favorite genre?
•    Favorite horror movie?
The Shining or The Poltergeist
•    Favorite book of all time?
Swan Song
•    Cake - vanilla or chocolate?
•    Pizza - pineapple or definitely never on a pizza?
Absolutely never on pizza haha

From BOH reader Derek T.

•    Is there a particular author that inspired you to write horror? T
he boring answer of Stephen King would be my gateway inspiration, but Brian Keene inspired me to think there was a shot to chase the dream.

•    Are there any things required when you write?, i.e., listening to certain music? an adult beverage? complete silence? stuff like that.  Some horror soundtracks, an occasional alcoholic beverage, and no other people to bug me.

•    Skittles or Starburst? Skittles 

•    Do you read or write anything that's not horror? I’ll read the occasional thriller, sci-fi, and autobiography, but mostly horror. As far as writing, its always horror with a sprinkle of thriller mixed in.

•    Mountains or beach?
•    What's your favorite taco?

•    Were you a good student? I was above average, but by no means top of my class. Usually flirting with honor roll
•    Who was your childhood crush?
Kimberly the pink ranger.
•    Your favorite thing on French fries?

From BOH reader Shannon E.
•    What’s something you want to learn/ get better at?

•    If you could have 1 hour to sit down with anyone and talk? Who would it be and what would you talk about?

•    What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?
The ocean, it can be Maine, or somewhere tropical.

•    If you could have a superpower what would it be? Flying

•    What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now? Call Candance Nola and ask her to protect my family.

•    What were you like as a child? Friendly, kind of funny, mostly innocent.

Thank you John for stopping in!

John Durgin- Author | Pembroke NH | Facebook    Amazon Store   GoodReads

Don't forget to comment on this post to enter this month's giveaway or you can enter by using the FORM. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

I found M.L. Rayner hiding Amongst The Mists

Born and bred in the county of Staffordshire. Matt is a keen reader of classical, horror and fantasy literature and enjoys writing in the style of traditional ghost stories. During his working life, Matt joined the ambulance service in 2009, transporting critically ill patients all over the UK. After writing his first novel, Matt now dedicates his time on future releases. His hobbies include genealogy and hiking, and he enjoys spending time with his wife, Emma, his children, and his family.

‘As engaging as anything I’ve read this decade. Rayner is required reading for horror fans.’
 Jonathan Edward Durham, author of Winterset Hollow

It was the most anticipated summer break of their young lives.
For Bran Lampshire, that summer of 1986 would be far different. The lure of a wilderness adventure sends him and his friends on a troublesome journey that would see them far from home and into the isolated shadows of the Sleathton Estate. In a forgotten land where nature thrives, an unexplained mist settles upon the shaded grounds. And stories were told of events so chilling, they were forcibly buried over time.

Lose yourself beneath the endless trees. And discover that legends are sometimes so much more than ghost stories.


The Tough Questions

•    Where is your favorite place to write? Read? I enjoy writing/reading during the earlier hours of the morning.
•    What did you want to be when you grew up? I was never quite sure about that.
•    What is one thing you need when you sit down to write? Silence…..
•    What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author? One day, all this struggling and little recognition could be yours!
•    Are you a pantser or plotter? Plotter 

From BOH reader Heather L.
•    Chili – beans or no beans? No to Chili
•    Who’s your favorite superhero and why? That guy who can talk in the water. Seaman?
•    DC or Marvel and why is it Marvel? DC
•    You need to hide a body - who do you call to help you? Phil Mitchell
•    Favorite song to belt out in the shower? I Touch Myself.
•    What animal would you be and why? A fox. Bushy tails
•    If you were stranded on a deserted island with all your human needs taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you? A cactus and water to feed it.
•    Next project (what are you currently working on)? Prequel to my first book.
•    Scary movies - complete darkness or all the lights on? Darkness.
•    Cats or dogs? I’m not into that stuff. I just like Women.
•    Who would you stalk? Heather L
•    What inspired you to start writing? I wanted to do something creative.
•    How old were you when you wrote your first story? 32
•    What is your favorite book/story you wrote? Echoes of Home
•    Who is your current favorite author? Probably Durham. I can’t get rabbits out of my head.
•    What is your favorite genre? Horror
•    Favorite horror movie? The Shining
•    Favorite book of all time? The Picture of Dorian Gray
•    Cake - vanilla or chocolate? CHoCo
•    Pizza - pineapple or definitely never on a pizza? Pineapple

From BOH reader Derek T.
•    Is there a particular author that inspired you to write horror? Susan Hill.
•    Are there any things required when you write?, i.e., listening to certain music? an adult beverage? complete silence? stuff like that. Silence.
•    Skittles or Starburst? Taste the rainbow.
•    Do you read or write anything that's not horror? I’ll read Fantasy.
•    Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island, please discuss. I agree with you.
•    How do you feel about pants? Depends on the subject.
•    Mountains or beach? Mountains
•    Does pineapple belong on pizza? Sure
•    What's your favorite taco? I have no idea.
•    Would you go to space? Yup
•    Do you eat supper or dinner? Dinner
•    Favorite ice cream? Mint
•    Were you a good student? Nope
•    Who was your childhood crush?  You, Derek. You.
•    Your favorite thing on French fries? Salt

From BOH reader Shannon E.
•    What’s something you want to learn/ get better at? Answering questions.
•    Why did you decide you wanted to be an author? To make all my work colleagues envious.
•    Is there anything you don't eat? Yes

•    If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) To finally answer all of these questions!
2) Finish another book.
3) Join a blog and get the chance to answer some questions.

•    If you could have 1 hour to sit down with anyone and talk? Who would it be and what would you talk about?
•    What makes you unique? Raw sex appeal.
•    What's something about you that no one else knows? I have a fear of blimps.
•    What’s Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At? Not to repeat myself when answering questions.
•    Know Any Good Jokes? Yes
•    What’s Something That Bugs You? Snorting
•    What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth? Scotland
•    Who Are the Special People in Your Life? Family, readers and Jim Ody’s Mum.
•    What’s Something You’re Proud of? My books and my time with the Ambulance service
•    If your life were a movie who would play you? Police number 8 (end credits)
•    If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? I’m happy being me.
•    If you could have a superpower what would it be? Clean the house faster.
•    What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now? Probably just become a zombie.
•    What were you like as a child? Sarcastic.

Thank you Matt for stopping! I'm sure Heather is sorry she asked that question. 🤔 😉

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