Wednesday, April 12, 2023

🦋 Smokescreens & Butterflies 🦋 Psychological Fiction Release

ANGELINA KERNER is an author of unforgettable, sassy, and tantalizing stories. She’s the wife of a photographer/physicist, and the mother of a cute little toddler, but she’s also been a dancer, a psychologist, an anthropologist, a geographer, a dreamer, and an adventurer. She does her best writing while being bothered by her cats in sunny California. Angelina loves to play goddess-dragon matchmaker, transporting readers to a place with carefree romance where one can finish reading with a smile. However, with light there’s darkness.

The Incipire Awards – 2020 – Mystery – 2nd Place – The Scented Bones

Royal Dragonfly Awards – 2021 – Science Fiction/Fantasy – Honorable Mention – Into the Flames

Smokescreens & Butterflies

👀Pre-Order Now 👀 Releases Tomorrow!

Smokescreens & Butterflies

If you like:

🦋Second Chances

🦋Friends to Lovers

🦋Psychological Fiction

🦋Missing Persons Cases

Then you'll love this! 

Mia just wants to be happy and thought she had the perfect life as Mikey’s wife until everything comes crashing down. The lies are too much to bear and she enters into a new marriage with Damon DeLuca. Entering a new life, with smokescreens evaporating, she realizes just how dark her life had become.

Though Mia knows she has found a newfound freedom in Damon, can she transform into a budding butterfly?

Disclaimer - The book has mature language, sex, abuse, and references to torture and rape.

Grab your copy here 👇👇👇 


❓ Angelina Answers The Tough Questions

From BOH reader Heather L.

·        Chili – beans or no beans?

o   beans

·        Who’s your favorite superhero and why?

o   Ironman. He’s such a fun character.

·        DC or Marvel and why is it Marvel?

o   Marvel

·        You need to hide a body - who do you call to help you?

o   Ironman LOL Honestly, not sure.

·        Favorite song to belt out in the shower?

o   Please don’t stop the music

·        What animal would you be and why?

o   A black house cat because I love cats!

·       If you were stranded on a deserted island with all your human needs taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

o   Art notebook and a set of paints

·        Next project (what are you currently working on)?

o   My next project is a reverse harem story…. Not sure how that will go but I’m trying!

·        Scary movies - complete darkness or all the lights on?

o   darkness

·        Who would you stalk?

o   Johnny Depp

·        What inspired you to start writing?

o   James Clemens. I wanted to become like him. To write stories which readers can get lost in.

·        How old were you when you wrote your first story?

o   17

·        What is your favorite book/story you wrote?

o   Lily’s Rebirth – dark prn story.

·        Who is your current favorite author?

o   Kristen Painter. I love her Nocturne Falls series.

·        What is your favorite genre?

o   Pnr/fantasy

·        Favorite horror movie?

o   Don’t have one.

·        Favorite book of all time?

o   The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride

·        Cake - vanilla or chocolate?

o   chocolate

·        Pizza - pineapple or definitely never on a pizza?

o   No pineapple! No!


From BOH reader Derek T.

·        Is there a particular author that inspired you to write horror?

o   Nope. I don’t write full horror, but I am trying to write about darker elements. Lily’s Rebirth is my darkest work.

·       Are there any things required when you write?, i.e., listening to certain music? an adult beverage? complete silence? stuff like that.

o   Coffee. Lady Gaga songs. Lindsey Stirling music.

·        Skittles or Starburst?

o   Starburst

·        Do you read or write anything that's not horror?

o   Yes. I have a lot of genres under my belt.

·        How do you feel about pants?

o   I prefer skirts but pants can be okay if they have lots of pockets.

·        Dogs, cats or ferrets?

o   cats

·        Mountains or beach?

o   beach

·       What's your favorite taco?

o   Beef?

·        Would you go to space?

o   Sometimes yes, sometimes no

·        Do you eat supper or dinner?

o   Before 7pm yes

·        Favorite ice cream?

o   Coffee!

·        Were you a good student?

o   In school no. in university yes

·        Who was your childhood crush?

o   Johnny Depp

·        Your favorite thing on French fries?

o   Chilli 


From BOH reader Shannon E.

·        What’s something you want to learn/ get better at?

o   I really try to work hard on show versus tell. I am getting better and I have a notebook filled with notes.

·        Why did you decide you wanted to be an author?

o   Being a Pisces, there’s stories in my head!

·        Is there anything you don't eat?

o   Seafood.

·        If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?

o   For schools to become better toward students

o   Pay off bills

o   Own a house close to beach but not in the flood zone.

·       If you could have 1 hour to sit down with anyone and talk who would it be and what would you talk about?

o   Robert Downey Jr. I think the conversation would be really fun. Everything!

·        What makes you unique?

o   I try to bring elements into my writing – blind character, missing hand, mental abuse, men having to work to get their women.

·        What's something about you that no one else knows?

o   I used to have 6 cats.

·        What’s something you want to learn or wish you were better at?

o   Cover design. I’ve been working on covers for over a year and I would love to get better.

·        Know any good jokes?

o   Nope. I’m really bad with jokes.

·        What’s something that bugs you?

o   Someone saying they will be responsible and then they come up with excuses to not doing their assigned task.

·        What’s the most embarrassing thing you can remember that’s happened to you?

o   Oi, I remember the moments in my head all day but now I can’t think of anything lol

·        What’s your favorite place on earth?

o   Monterey, California.

·        Who are the special people in your life?

o   My family.

·        What’s something you’re proud of?

o   I don’t give up. When someone says I can’t do something, I go for it anyway.

·        If your life were a movie who would play you?

o   Katy Perry… I know she’s a singer but I think she can play me if she decides to do movies haha

·        If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?

o   Tough question. Not really sure. Maybe a super successful author so I could see how they live and what they do to be so successful?

·        If you could have a superpower what would it be?

o   Super speed. That way I can clean house super-fast and write lots more books.

·        What would you do if there was zombie apocalypse right now?

o   Zombies – yuck! I would drive to a nuclear plant and make it go off. Better for the world to start over than have the world end with everyone eating each other.

·        What were you like as a child?

o   Very reserved

Fallon Requested Questions

·        What is one tip you would like to share with an aspiring author?

o   Don’t listen. If someone tells you, you should give up writing, don’t listen. Take a class instead and talk to other authors and friends to see how you can improve and if you really need improving.

·         Where is your favorite place to write? Read? __

o   On the bed surrounded by pillows. A plus when I have coffee or Dr. Pepper.

·        What did you want to be when you grew up? __

o   Before wanting to be an author, I wanted to be a cop or psychologist.

·        What is one thing you need when you sit down to write? __

o   A state of mind. If my mind’s not set on the story, I won’t be able to focus.

  Are you a pantser or plotter?

o   Depends on the wip. 

Thank you Angelina For stopping by and sharing your  intriquing new thriller with us.

You can grab that preorder here.

For those of you visitng be sure to comment on this post--or on any of the blog posts this month--to enter this month's giveaway. IF you wish to remain anonymous with your comment you can enter by filling out this FORM 

 Stay tuned for more amazing authors! 😊

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