Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Something Awesome Is Coming

Something Awesome is coming...

I have some brave souls coming to the blog this month. Starting with a gracious, amazing, fun, and creative author. I also have a giveaway coming up that you can enter at the end of the month to win an ebook; winner's choice of any of the featured authors in April.

I've had this on the back burner simmering for quite a while. I wanted to showcase authors while I worked on my writing and edits. Something to help you find more authors to read. I'm still amazed that I get to rub elbows with authors. As a reader myself I am not sure I will ever get over being able to converse with authors.

I hope you enjoy the talented people coming this way. If you want to see these often be sure to sign up for the blog here: Subscribe  

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