Monday, May 29, 2023

Dangerous Beginnings Release Party! 🥳



I want to thank the Admins at ANYTHING GOES WITH A BOOK (on Facebook) for their amazing hospitality and having us crash their group to share the release of my short story. It was AMAZING and I appreciate you so much! <3 Thank you JJ, Sam, Danielle and Colin!

Thank you to my party planner extraordinaire Angelina Kerner for doing the planning and all the awesome posts for the party!! Thank you!! 💕 

And, to the amazing authors who came to support my release THANK YOU!! You guys Rocked it and are greatly appreciated!! Go Check out their amazing stories Shared in order of the party times listed in the image above. And please feel free to troll my blog to find a few of them and their posts on here. 💕

Angelina Kerner   All The Sites  Smoke Screens & Butterflies   

 Gage Greenwood  Website  Bunker Dogs 

CJ Landry aka Lara Brossi   All the Links   The Black Wolf


A.K. Hughey  Website & Newsletter   Desecrate The Darkness 


Kayla Krantz  Website   Flirting With Death


HK Christie   Website   What She Left

 Jim Ody   Amazon   The Last Weekend

Sara Ennis   All The Links   The Dollhouse

Renee Lake   All The Links    Blood Born

T. Elizabeth Guthrie   Website   Crossbreed

Kate DeJonge   Website   Soup

Jay Bower   Website   Cadaverous

Megan Stockton   Website   Bluejay

AnnaMarie Gardner   All The Sites      Soul Retrieval

John Durgin   Website   Inside The Devil's Nest

Fallon Raynes   All The Links    Dangerous Beginnings (short)

THANK YOU EVERYONE For coming to the party! 🎉

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